What is FOSSTorrents?
Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Torrents, is more like a platform for Open Source Community, that helps to spread the Open Source Softwares using torrents as its medium. The idea is to promote FOSS throughout the web, extend its reachability while trusting the platform that promotes it.
Dev, are you writing this because you have a partnership with them? NO. I am writing this because I want like-minded guys to come forth and support the FOSS community. There are other FOSS platforms, which I will share in another blog-post.
But isn't there a price to everything? FOSS community survives with the help of Donations. The aim of FOSS is directly proportional to its name: Free Open Source Software. Those that follow FOSS, follows the principle behind it as well. It has survived this long because of its huge community and of-course some generous people and organizations have contributed to the cause as well ( there are good people out there and not everyone is an @$$ )
How to start? If you have any open source projects that you want to spread using trustworthy torrenting ( Idk if torrenting is really a word or not), reach out to FOSSTorrents on Twitter, Discord, Facebook.
Check their website at FOSSTorrents
If you wish to, then donate: Patreon / Kofi or visit the Shop
Unable to donate: not a problem, spread the word ;)